

发布时间:2020-09-01 10:22:01

注册证书巴西大使馆认证东莞 的用处:国外海关清关需要用到 其次就是许多商业文件要在国外当地背书使其在当地开展正常的经营。

注册证书巴西大使馆认证东莞 的处理时间是:一般来讲是7-10个工作日就可以出单

注册证书巴西大使馆认证东莞:需要盖好章的机构有 外事办 和驻华使馆盖章

注册证书巴西大使馆认证东莞 需要备齐的资料:一般来讲商业文件是需要正本文件的:但是也有很多文件不用正本的直接认证副本就可以的 例如:营业执照 GMPC  TUV  ISO 等等

The Brazilian Embassy certifies the use of Dongguan: customs clearance in foreign countries is required. Secondly, many business documents should be endorsed in foreign countries to make them carry out normal business in local areas. 

The processing time of the certificate of registration certified by the Brazilian Embassy in Dongguan is: generally speaking, the order can be issued within 7-10 working days

Certificate of registration Certified by The Brazilian Embassy Dongguan: the institutions that need to be sealed have the foreign Affairs Office and the Embassy in China to stamp

Generally speaking, the original documents are required for the certification of the Brazilian Embassy in Dongguan. However, there are many documents that can be obtained without the original copy, such as the business license, GMPC, TUV, ISO and so on



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